How might we improve cardiovascular health and address health inequalities through prevention? In order to do so we must take a look at the end-to-end care path. The Head of CVD in St. James Hospital told us how there is a clear health inequality amongst male patients in the Dublin 8 region, between the ages of 50-65. This is due to isolation, education, and onboarding clearly indicating a system change is needed.
We attended a stage 4 cardiac rehab class which was run by Cardiac Rehab Specialist Mella Buckely from St.James Hospital. Here we spoke to CVD patients and discussed their journey to find out where we could capitilise CVD. We talked about their behavioral risk factors and how creating conducive environments with like-minded people helped them to make healthy choices and motivated people to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors. From speaking with Sarah Early, Head of CVD at St.James Hospital, we discovered that only 1/3 of St. James patients attend stage 4 cardiac rehab. How could we create this end-to-end care path for those who aren’t engaging?
Below you can see images of us testing our app with the public to figure out its usability. The feedback we received was excellent for expanding and adapting our app design. Take a look at the various research methods used to build our app.

The Research Process

The Final App

Click the gallery below to see each feature on the app explained further.

Team : Gareth Byrne and Ava White